Hum - Stars
(wow. traigo un trip patéticamente noventero. me topé con esta rola, uno de esos himnitos que inmediatamente dispara la memoria. para mí es dar la vuelta en el ford topaz de mi amigo charly, pleno verano, caguamas servidas en vasos gigantescos, hablando del amor, la guerra y el aburrimiento de tener veintitantos años y nada qué hacer. Y cada vez que comenzaba esta canción, nos quedábamos callados. Escuchando.)
cuando uno escucha musica indie, no se les puede clasificar a una banda como un "one hit wonder", porque la canción realmente no tiene un éxito comercial. recuerdo el diseño gráfico de ese disco. la zebra. con canciones como éstas tal vez se le pudiera llamar "one great fucking song i wonder why more people don't listen to this shit wonder".
Hum - Stars Lyrics
She thinks she missed the train to mars, she's out back
She's not at work, she's not at
She's not in bed, i think i finally broke
I bring her home everything i want, nothing that she
I thought she'd be there holding daisies, she
always waits forme
She thinks she missed the train to mars,
she's out back countingstars
I found her out back
sitting naked looking up and looking dead
a crumpled yellow
piece of paper, seven nines and tens
I thought she'd
be there holding daisies, she always waits forme
She thinks
she missed the train to mars, she's out back
I thought you'd be there holding daisy,
you always wait for me
She thinks she missed the train to
mars, she's out back countingstars
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